Excluded by the noindex tag


The noindex tag is an HTML meta tag used to prevent a webpage from being indexed by search engines. This tag can be intentionally set by webmasters to exclude certain pages from the search engine results. It is also utilized when a specific page is private or contains duplicate content. The noindex tag is placed within the <head> section of the page as follows:

htmlCopy code<meta name=”robots” content=”noindex”>

If you receive a notification that a webpage has been excluded due to the “noindex” tag, it signifies that the page has not been indexed by the search engines. To rectify this, the following steps need to be undertaken:


The steps to resolve this issue are as follows:

Log in to Google Search Console:

Access Google Search Console and log in. If you don’t have an account, sign up using your Google email address and password​1​.

Prepare your Sitemap:

Ensure that the sitemap is saved in the root folder of your website and is publicly accessible. Typically, the URL of the sitemap follows a specific format (e.g., http://yourdomain.com/sitemap.xml)​2​.

Submit your Sitemap:

After logging in, click on “Sitemaps” located under the “Index” section on the left-hand side​1​.

Under “Add a new sitemap,” input the URL of your sitemap and click “Submit.” There’s no need to submit the domain part of the URL, just the ending part. If you’re unsure, input “sitemap_index.xml” and click “Submit.”​3​4​.

Following these steps will allow you to easily submit your sitemap through Google Search Console. By submitting the sitemap, Google can effectively crawl and index all the pages on your website, potentially enhancing the online visibility of your website.